Text dictionary tags
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Properties/Other/Text dictionary tags.xml
Show and define the Text Dictionary tags (<a5:t>...</a5:t>) used in the component.
Group header text lookup dictionary
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/List Properties/listprops/Data Source/Server-side Group Breaks/Group header text lookup dictionary.xml
This property specifies an optional 'dictionary' that can translate break fields into more meaningful text.
Static Text
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Other Controls/Static Text/index.xml
Adds static text to the component.
Text Functions
Text object methods.
Text Area
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Data Controls/Text Area/index.xml
'Text Area' controls provide a large area where users of an application can write.
Locate Text
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Locate Text.xml
The Locate Text action finds text in a form or browse using the Locate Text dialog. You can look for text in a specific field or all fields in that window. This is most often used to find the correct record to edit or display
Find Text
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/View/Form/Find Text.xml
The Find Text... command displays the Locate dialog box, which is available in both forms and browses. The dialog box lets you find the next or previous record containing the text, number, date, or series of characters you specify. You can keep the dialog open while you work on your form or Browse. When finding text, Alpha Anywhere displays the record and that contains the first match and places the cursor on the field that contains the match.
Text Properties
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Layouts/Text Properties.xml
A list of text properties.
[Static Text]
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Fields/Grid Field Properties/Control Properties/Static Text.xml
Adds static text to a grid.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Commands/TEXT Xdialog Command.xml
Displays text from a character variable.